What is NLP?
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), in short, is a way in which we change our thoughts and behaviours to enable us to achieve more positive and desired outcomes. It was co-founded since the 1970’s by Richard Brandler and John Grinder.
Broken down, NLP means:
Neuro refers to our nervous system, through the brain and our minds.
Information from the world around us, outside of our brains, is absorbed through our nervous system. This information must be received and processed in order for us to react, communicate and allow our bodies to work in a healthy and safe way. We obtain it through our five senses, sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.
Linguistic relates to our language and how we communicate with not only others but, most importantly ourselves.
Programming is the way in which we achieve specific and desired outcomes, through the patterns and strategies we run using our neurology, this is built through our past experiences.
How will NLP help my child?
Similar to CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy), NLP allows children and young people to take responsibility for their thoughts and feelings and focuses their mindsets in positive ways using various tools and techniques. In a way, NLP is very much an instruction manual for our minds, providing us with resources to teach how to think, rather than what to think.
NLP practitioners can help with a range of problems children may be facing, such as, anxiety, communication skills, fears and phobias and anger. Helping to overcome these issues can boost children’s confidence and help to put them into a positive mindset, this leads to them growing up to be emotionally balanced and stable adults.
Over time a child’s fears often develops into irrational and negative thoughts which leads to them manifesting physical discomforts, such as, feeling sick, becoming withdrawn or tummy aches. For many children and young people, these physical discomforts can become disconnected from the original fear that started the chain of reactions.
Growing up I experienced lack of self-esteem and confidence which as an adult developed into physical discomforts, this affected my everyday life and often prevented me taking part in activities I would have otherwise enjoyed or job roles I would have developed in. It was only with NLP and Hypnotherapy that I was able to overcome these discomforts and take over the control of my mindset. I wish I had been introduced to NLP sooner and taught the right techniques that would have helped change my negative thinking patterns.
For NLP to achieve the desired results your child or young person must be 100% committed to their sessions. As much as an NLP practitioner would love to remove any problems completely, sadly it is not that easy, and it is down to their client to commit and practice their tools and techniques in order to benefit from them fully.
What happens during a session?
NLP is very much suited individually; at the consultation I will build rapport and ask your child questions that will help me understand their problem further, which will enable me to plan and develop their tailored one-to-one sessions. I will also give you the opportunity to ask me any questions and get to know me better. Depending on the age and focus of your child or young person, a consultation lasts between 30-60 minutes.
I offer face to face sessions in Wanborough, Swindon, and am also able to offer Zoom appointments should this suit you better. My 1:1 sessions are 30 or 60 minutes and require for your child to work with me while you wait outside the room, this gives them the chance to open up and have a safe space to talk. On average clients are recommended between three and five sessions, depending on the commitment and progress of your child. Many who have finished their sessions often book in a one-off session later down the road to help them to reboot any techniques that they may need.
During a session I will spend time building rapport with your child to enable them to feel comfortable around me and give them an opportunity to get to know me better too. Each session will involve going through and learning different techniques and tools that your child can take away with them to practice and use as and when needed.
With our behaviours being stored in our unconscious mind it can be hard to change the way we think and behave to certain situations, but within time and by firstly going through our conscious minds, we are able to make those changes and shift how we don’t want to feel into how we do want to feel. As mentioned previously, it is important that the tools and techniques learnt are practiced to gain maximum benefit
is NLP?cld like to have a chat with me to see if I am the right person to help your child, please give me a call on 07498362473.
